Tips for Filming Life During COVID-19 | Episode 014 of FilmingLife®: The Podcast for Photographers & Filmmakers


In this episode of FilmingLife®: The Podcast for Photographers & Filmmakers our host Courtney Holmes talks about Filming Life during COVID-19.

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Film by FilmingLife® Member Alicia Bertram - mentioned in this episode:

I tell my kids often that this time in their lives will go down in history. They will tell their children one day of how the Corona Virus changed the way we did life. We slowed down, we stayed home, we played games, we did school from home, it was all...different. I try to be a half-full kind of person and so this film captures the good of distance learning. Us not being rushed in the morning. Eating breakfast together. Learning to do 6th grade math without carrying the 1. Reading my daughter’s stories and how they amaze me each time with all the descriptions and details. These are all things I would have missed out on. I’m so thankful for our extra time together. It’s grounded us and slowed us down. I hope you enjoy a little peek into our lives during distance learning.
— Alicia Bertram

Film by FilmingLife® Member Kelli Hendrix - Mentioned in this episode:

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