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Hi! I’m Courtney.


I’m the Founder of the FilmingLife® Academy, and I’ve been creating family films long enough to know that video is becoming more and more popular as a way to tell stories not just for weddings and businesses, but for families as well.

There is a shift happening in the family photography industry, and for good reason! Photographs can capture a moment in time but video gives you the ability to RE-LIVE that moment.

Combine moving images with audio, and the capacity for meaningful storytelling is endless.


I’ve been proud to work with:


course instructor 

The Walt Disney Company

commercial footage

Clickin Moms

top 100 photographers to watch

The Family Narrative


when you join as a member of FilmingLife® you’ll learn

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 Join the largest, most supportive community of family filmmakers in the world.


When you become a member of FilmingLife®, not only do you get access to all of the courses in the FilmingLife® Academy but you also get access to the FilmingLife® Network where you’ll find like minded creatives from all over the world.

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Strive for excellence.

FilmingLifer program


Our goal for the Academy is to create a place where filmmakers can not only learn together and support each other, but where they can also push themselves creatively and technically whilst being recognised once they’ve reached a high level of skill in their craft. We created the FilmingLifer Program to fill this need.  A FilmingLifer is a member who demonstrates sound knowledge of filmmaking techniques and professional practice. FilmingLifer Pro's are an elite group of family filmmakers who strive for a professional level of excellence and exemplify artistry in the films they produce.

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The podcast for photographers and filmmakers.

COhosted by 

Courtney Holmes and Kylie Purtell


Are you ready to dig in and start capturing memories in motion?

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