FilmingLifer Pro Interview: Francesca Russell | Episode 017 of FilmingLife®: The Podcast for Photographers & Filmmakers

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In this episode of FilmingLife: The Podcast for Photographers & Filmmakers our host Courtney Holmes chats with FilmingLifer Pro, Francesca Russell about her journey into filmmaking, and what it’s been like to build a business around making films.

Francesca Russell.jpg

Francesca Russell is a mother, photographer & former Broadway stage manager, who currently resides just outside New York City on Long Island with her partner Eric and their kids, Lila and Logan. In addition to photography, she is also an avid knitter, crafter, list-maker, meal planner, adventurer, learning addict and project-a-holic. You can see Francesca’s work on her website here, and also find her on Facebook & Instagram.



Blair Goldberg/Parents in Theater Project:


Francesca’s Inspiration

NY Times Op Docs:
NY Times on Vimeo:

Vimeo Staff Picks:

Francesca’s Vimeo Favourites -

Sarah Mason:

Lance Oppenheim -
His two films that Francesca loves:
The Happiest Guy in the World:
Long Term Parking:

Helpful Links

Xanthe Berkeley:

Hailey Bartholomew 365 Grateful:

Francesca’s Covid-19 Time Capsule editing and Birthday Montage editing:



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